Friday, June 19, 2009

I Am My Mother's Keeper

Who will cook for me when I forget how to cook?

Who will feed me when I forget how to pick up a spoon?

Who will take care of me when I'm sick and take me to the doctors?

Who will dress me when I can't move?

Who will clean me when I get dirty?

Who will love me when I start to change?

Who will be there and not forget me?

Who will pray for me when I can't pray for myself?

Who will love me nomatter what?

Who will remember who I was?

Who will know that I can't control this disease?




Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to make life easier for the both of you..

These things can help in making life easier as this disease progresses..

*While they can still sign their name,make sure someone responsible is designated to have power of attorney.You can buy these forms at office supply places or the internet.Have it notarized.
*Make pre-arrangements with funeral home.Its better to make the arrangements when your mind is clear,not when it actually happens.
*Join a support group or mentor
*Put a plastic over the mattress,then put the fitted sheet on
*Put a towel under them when they sit on the sofa
*Make sure you take your loved one to the bathroom before bed time
*Buy "Depends"
*Have certain times for everyday things such as, bath time,bed time,breakfast,snack,lunch,dinner,etc. Have a set routine.It makes it easier to say, its lunch time now. They will get use to the schedule and having a schedule will help in staying on task.
*If you keep them home,hire a HHA or CNA to help you with somethings or enroll them in an adult day care
*If you choose a nursing home,then make sure you do visits weekly,know the staff,attend care plan meetings and label your loved ones things. buy them their own items such as,tearless shampoo,lotion,etc. Let the nursing home know that you want to be called if anything minor and major ahppens. Give them all your telephone numbers.
*Skin gets very dry with certain meds,so be sure to look at their skin and keep it moisturized.if you need to make an appt with the dermatologist, do so.Check behind the ears for chafting as well.
*Have podiatrist take care of their feet.Swelling and other foot problems may occur.
*Massage legs gently
*Assist in hygiene or make sure you know the bathing times that the nursing home does. Always check your loved ones.Bring them their favorite snack when you visit:)
*Buy tank tops or comfortable bras. Comfortability is the key.
*Buy pants that has elastic waist
*Buy nurse shoes.There very comfortable
*If falling becomes a problem, add bed rails to the bed
*Add vitamins,minerals and fiber with their regular meds
*If their losing weight,ask the dr if they recommend ensure or an extra drinking supplement or supplement pudding
*Buy simple games such as connect four,simple puzzles,coloring books,etc.Assist them and prompt them where to put the pieces and let them win connect four, make it fun!Sometime its all about them putting the pieces in the connect four and starting over.It helps with being figity. Also play dough helps with hand grip strengthening.
*Read to your loved one.
*Play music they like
***More tips coming soon!


If you notice a sudden fever, please do not just put it off as a cold and leave untreated.Also make sure you keep doctor appts and dentist appts. Gum disease can cause heart problems and other health problems. They may not want to go,but you have to take them, for there own good. Your loved one may not be able to communicate with you properly about what exactly is bothering them. It can be many things including a U.T.I. if left untreated can cause big problems. I remember I went to go see my mom at the nursing home and something told me,that she is not feeling well.I called the nurse and asked the nurse how she is doing and she said she was good. I told the nurse,just take her temp please. I was right, there was something wrong.
My mother had a U.T.I. It was 3 years ago and she was hospitalized for 2 weeks.She also developed pulmonary problems at the sametime. I just had my second neck surgery and I stayed with her in the hospital. Nothing,not even sickness kept me away from being with my mom. I'm glad I went that day to see her.I was in a neck brace and in alot of pain but I was drawn to my mom that particular day.
When she was released,she lost the ability to walk.The dementia was getting worse.

*If your love ones "balance" is starting to be a problem, they need 24 hour supervision.

Its important to test now..

Having blood work done can do alot of preventing or delaying of alzheimers. People that have complained about fatigue,weight gain,moodiness during the winter months have been linked with a thyroid disorder, hypothyrodism-a condition that if left untreated,can lead to dementia later in life. Recent studies were performed from harvard researchers. Thyroid hormones may regulate the production of a protein called amyloid,which could cause damage brain cells. Ask your doctor for a blood test if your sluggish or have any of the symptoms as stated. Do not leave untreated.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Signs of Alzheimers & Help

Help: 24 hour hot line-,
In florida: 407-843-1910

Alzheimers. Please educate yourself on this disease that takes our loved ones and turns them into strangers and it eventually kills them. Watching them go through the changes is painful and fustrating, but remember one thing..THEY CAN'T HELP IT.ITS CONTROLLING THEM.

If you notice any signs, take them to the doctor immediately for testing.
Sign to watch out for and signs that you will eventually see as they progress into the disease..
*Gets lost in familiar places
*Has trouble handling money
*Repeats the samething or ask the same questions
*Has trouble writing,reading,talking,playing
*Takes longer to complete everyday tasks
*May not want to do everyday task such as bathing,tooth brushing,etc. Assist them if this happens
*Doesn't like Dr visits
*Your loved one may threathen you or threathen to hurt themselves.Just reassure them and be patient and soft spoken.let them know you love them.
*Doesn't finish sentences
*Loses things or misplaces them. Putting things in odd places
*Loses control of bladder
*Paces back and forth.Hard to stay still,or stands around,or sits alot
*May turn things on.So be careful with the stove and hazards
*Fiddles with things
*Loss of appetite
*Loss of energy
*Stares at things for a long period of time
*Takes frequent naps
*Smiles,laughs,angry facial expressions for no apparent reason
*Doesn't like change
*Has to be repeated and prompted to do things by others
*Stumbles-loss of balance
*Hand grip is getting weak
*Doesn't talk as much-words get mixed up
*Does things repeatively
*Doesn't want to go outside or keeps trying to go outside
*Gets irritated when people try to help them with things or with a task-In the beginning they feel embarrassed and humiliated so it comes off as them being angry at you
***Please be patient and read about the disease,so that you can understand it.
God bless you and your loved one. Your not alone. If you need to post any concerns or just vent,feel free to do so in this blog.