Tuesday, April 28, 2009

From the Author: Maria Amparo Mixon
Realize that moms know alot more than you think. Do you think all that grey hair is from getting older? No.. its not, its from wisdom. God Bless you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Will Succeed

I Will Succeed

No matter what you say or what you do to me I will succeed
I won't let anything, anyone make me think I can't succeed
My children will be proud that Mommy never let anyone hold her down
from being the best I can be
BecauseI will succeed
My children, as well, will succeed
because I planted that seed
that whatever you want to be you will be
I will succeed!

Monday, April 13, 2009

By: Maria Amparo

Copyright 2009

Mommy I Love You

Mommy I love you, I cherish you,I look up to you and I thank you and I thank God for you.

The older I get the more I appreciate you more and more each day.

I am so grateful to have you as a mom.

I Love You Mommy.


Sorry for not saying sorry..

I'm sorry


Sorry for not listening to you

Sorry for blaming you for my mistakes

Sorry for everything I did and said that hurt you

Sorry for ignoring you

Sorry for not kissing you enough, or not kissing you at all

Sorry for not hugging you, or not hussing you enough

Sorry for not telling you I love you, or not telling you enough

Sorry for not saying thank you, or not saying thank you enough


Sorry for thinking you didn't love me

Sorry for disrespecting you

Sorry for talking bad about you

Sorry for disobeying you

Sorry for not thinking about you

Sorry for not giving you a birthday card

Sorry for not showing you more love


Sorry for complaining when I didn't get my way

Sorry for making you worry about me

Sorry for hurting you

Sorry for taking you for granted

Sorry for having you pay for my mistakes

Sorry for thinking my life was bad

Sorry for leaving home before I was ready

Sorry for the times I didn't speak to you

Give her flowers when shes able to smell them

A Mother can multi-task. A Mother can cook, clean, work,do laundry,go to the store,attend school functions,volunteers,pta mom,team mom,and so much more

A Mother can't hear you say I love you when shes passes

Give her flowers when shes able to smell them

When she no longer can take care of herself, her children or child has to take care of her

When a Mother loses one of her children,the pain is undescribable and can even change her life forever

You can always go back home to mom

I pray this book inspires you to appreciate your mother and notice how much she does

I have a few more inspirations to my mom....

A Mother

A Mother is a financial advisor

A Mother wipes her child's tears

A Mother teaches her child to try again and not give up

A Mother is irreplaceable

A Mother can be fair

A Mother can be unfair

A Mother stays when she wants to sometimes runaway

A Mother can be up all night worrying

A Mother

A Mother needs a break

A Mother is a storyteller

A Mother stays up and waits until her children comes home

A Mother doesn't know how to take a break

A Mother can be tactful

A Mother knows where her children are at all times

A Mother is fearless

A Mother

A Mother hides her pain

A Mother can endure some heavy duty pain like labor

A Mother can endure emotional pain

A Mother still smiles when she doesn't feel like smiling

A Mother is a doctor

A Mother is a human

A Mother feels like a failure when she can not provide or be there for her children

A Mother

A Mother protects

A Mother shares

A Mother will always be there when no one else is there

A Mother still loves you after you made a mistake

A Mother makes mistakes

A Mother can feel unappreciated

A Mother can be moody

A Mother

A Mother finds it hard to say no

A Mother wants to learn it all, so she can teach her children

A Mother wants the best for her children

A Mother is a calendar planner, she never forgets and if she does, she will look on her pad because she wrote it down, so that she doesn't forget

A Mother is a teacher

A Mother hustles

A Mother

A Mother has strength

A Mother thinks about her children before she thinks about herself

A Mother makes sure her children eat and have what they need

A Mother sacrifices for her children

A Mother has very little sleep and can still take care of her children the next day

A Mother doesn't like to dissappoint her children

A Mother is a private investigator

A Mother is beautiful

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Mother

A Mother wants her children to be happy

A Mother sometimes sacrifices her happiness for her children

A Mother works hard

A Mother is a woman

A Mother is wise

A Mother cries

A Mother takes care of her children even when shes sick

A Mother

A Mother fixes or tries to fix her children's mistakes

A Mother goes through multiple births,even though she knows her looks will change and the great pain that is ahead

A Mother wants the best for her children

A Mother uplifts her children

A Mother can take care of many children

A Mother has feelings

A Mother

A Mother is proud of her children

A Mother gives advice

A Mother teaches her children tough love

A Mother gives and shows love

A Mother laughs even when the joke wasn't funny

A Mother loves kisses, even when her children are all grown up

A Mother

A Mother can be dissappointed with her children

A Mother doesn't give up on her children

A Mother wants the best for her children

A Mother serves her children first and sometimes doesn't eat

A Mother loves God

A Mother

A Mother loves to capture her children's achievements

A Mother can embarrass her children

A Mother hurts when her children leave home

A Mother hurts when her children hurts

A Mother protects her children

A Mother

A Mother, even though she won't say it, would like praise from her children

A Mother wears different hats and fills many shoes

A Mother teaches her children to use their talents

A Mother can fuss

A Mother teaches her children not to be lazy

A Mother

A Mother's Love is Unconditional

A Mother gives and gives and gives

A Mother forgives her children,even when they hurt her

A Mother aims to please

A Mother gives praise to her children

My Mom

Dedication: This inspiration is dedicated to my mom.

She passed away Feb 13,2009.

I love you mommy.

Personalize this book:

To: Mommy


A note to you mom
