Help: 24 hour hot line-,
In florida: 407-843-1910
Alzheimers. Please educate yourself on this disease that takes our loved ones and turns them into strangers and it eventually kills them. Watching them go through the changes is painful and fustrating, but remember one thing..THEY CAN'T HELP IT.ITS CONTROLLING THEM.
If you notice any signs, take them to the doctor immediately for testing.
Sign to watch out for and signs that you will eventually see as they progress into the disease..
*Gets lost in familiar places
*Has trouble handling money
*Repeats the samething or ask the same questions
*Has trouble writing,reading,talking,playing
*Takes longer to complete everyday tasks
*May not want to do everyday task such as bathing,tooth brushing,etc. Assist them if this happens
*Doesn't like Dr visits
*Your loved one may threathen you or threathen to hurt themselves.Just reassure them and be patient and soft spoken.let them know you love them.
*Doesn't finish sentences
*Loses things or misplaces them. Putting things in odd places
*Loses control of bladder
*Paces back and forth.Hard to stay still,or stands around,or sits alot
*May turn things on.So be careful with the stove and hazards
*Fiddles with things
*Loss of appetite
*Loss of energy
*Stares at things for a long period of time
*Takes frequent naps
*Smiles,laughs,angry facial expressions for no apparent reason
*Doesn't like change
*Has to be repeated and prompted to do things by others
*Stumbles-loss of balance
*Hand grip is getting weak
*Doesn't talk as much-words get mixed up
*Does things repeatively
*Doesn't want to go outside or keeps trying to go outside
*Gets irritated when people try to help them with things or with a task-In the beginning they feel embarrassed and humiliated so it comes off as them being angry at you
***Please be patient and read about the disease,so that you can understand it.
God bless you and your loved one. Your not alone. If you need to post any concerns or just vent,feel free to do so in this blog.
8 years ago
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